Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Time and only Time waits for nobody................................................
and i still dare to waste it.........................
only God knows why...............
Will i ever know why am i doing so???????
Will i ever stop doing so???????????
Will i ever stop using so many ????!!!!!!
And above all do i have to keep on talking about myself?
Why is the 'I' in the spotlight?
Why is it 'always' in the spot light?
Why can't I look around?
Why can't i stop asking why of all things?
Is there life beyond this 'why'?
Will i ever get out of this vicious circle ?
Will i ever post a sensible blog????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Will i ever know where i started and where i ended up?
Does this blog make any sense???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess 'no'
but again 'why'!


Rebel Heart Asa said...

good one and very true

Vämp!rë said...

nice thinking:)

Leena Murugesh Nair said...

I think you really have that something in you. May be you should really start looking within for that approval instead of outside...wassay?

Vishal said...
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Vishal said...

hmmm...well mate u know all d wh-type questions comes only wen u think abt dem & ya dis is d fact.u r given by life abt 60yrs which is more dan sufficient...nd it is not expected to always think abt time.just do sumthing @ each moment dat u like nd u wont fill like dis its my guarantee

poisondoux said...

HA HA HA... der is no need to think beyond the "I" maddy.. u are just too generous at times... :)..
and yeah this post reflects the confusion of our generation.. CRAP... i sound like an aunty here.. :P